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Update Regarding On-Site Service Calls


During this challenging time, the health and safety of our customers and our employees is our number one priority.

Canon Canada is actively monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation, following guidelines as outlined by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Public Health Agency. As the situation evolves, we continue to adhere and adapt our business continuity plan accordingly.

At this time, there is little impact to the services we are providing to our customers.

Please be assured that Canon Canada is doing its part to help prevent the spread of the virus. We have taken steps like limiting travel and face-to-face meetings as well as implementing a work-from-home policy for those who are able to work remotely.

We understand that our customers depend on us to provide service in a safe, reliable and professional manner to ensure their businesses are able to continue to operate efficiently and effectively.

Accordingly, we have revised the procedure for our Business System Solutions technicians. These comprehensive steps are being taken to protect customers and employees when providing service:

  • We are following the latest guidance provided by public health and government authorities
  • We are limiting our services and responding only to Emergency calls (EMs) and Installation calls
  • Prior to arriving on site, technicians will be calling the customer to confirm the acceptance of the onsite service request
  • Technicians will have an increased inventory of supplies (gloves, masks, isopropyl alcohol, Kimwipes)
  • Prior to working on the device, technicians will use the appropriate PPE and utilize isopropyl alcohol when wiping down any surfaces of the device that they may come in contact with to conduct their work on the device
  • Upon completion of the work, technicians will again utilize isopropyl alcohol when wiping down the surfaces of the device that the technician came in contact with
  • We have suspended the requirement for customers to sign the technician’s PDA to confirm the completion of work
  • Finally, technicians will wipe down their PDA and any other tools used during the service visit (as applicable) with isopropyl alcohol

Thank you and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.



Update Regarding On-Site Service Calls


During this challenging time, the health and safety of our customers and our employees is our number one priority.

Canon Canada is actively monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 situation, following guidelines as outlined by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Public Health Agency. As the situation evolves, we continue to adhere and adapt our business continuity plan accordingly.

At this time, there is little impact to the services we are providing to our customers.

Please be assured that Canon Canada is doing its part to help prevent the spread of the virus. We have taken steps like limiting travel and face-to-face meetings as well as implementing a work-from-home policy for those who are able to work remotely.

We understand that our customers depend on us to provide service in a safe, reliable and professional manner to ensure their businesses are able to continue to operate efficiently and effectively.

Accordingly, we have revised the procedure for our Business System Solutions technicians. These comprehensive steps are being taken to protect customers and employees when providing service:

  • We are following the latest guidance provided by public health and government authorities
  • We are limiting our services and responding only to Emergency calls (EMs) and Installation calls
  • Prior to arriving on site, technicians will be calling the customer to confirm the acceptance of the onsite service request
  • Technicians will have an increased inventory of supplies (gloves, masks, isopropyl alcohol, Kimwipes)
  • Prior to working on the device, technicians will use the appropriate PPE and utilize isopropyl alcohol when wiping down any surfaces of the device that they may come in contact with to conduct their work on the device
  • Upon completion of the work, technicians will again utilize isopropyl alcohol when wiping down the surfaces of the device that the technician came in contact with
  • We have suspended the requirement for customers to sign the technician’s PDA to confirm the completion of work
  • Finally, technicians will wipe down their PDA and any other tools used during the service visit (as applicable) with isopropyl alcohol


Thank you and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.